Brochures & Pitch Decks

Brochures: Do you need a brochure? Whether your need is for a digital or print version, your firm will benefit from Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting’s decades of experience in producing thousands of brochures.
Are brochures still useful for marketing? Ask your clients – the answer is typically “yes” – they would often rather review a targeted, concise piece vs. having to find what they want on your website. Specific examples:
- Overview of your firm (comprehensive yet concise)
A brochure is a powerful marketing tool that provides a comprehensive overview of your firm and its services.
Digital brochure: Instead of a website in which the client needs to search for information and compile it, the digital brochure is an all-in-one marketing piece. A key advantage of digital brochures is the cost savings in production and distribution, which can be substantial vs. a printed piece.
In a recent engagement, our client needed an impressive, multi-page digital brochure to send to several large prospective clients. The graphic design was intended to blend closely to the firm’s website, so that branding was consistent. It also needed to be graphically impressive, in order to focus interest and draw attention to key selling points. The text content was especially crucial, since it needed to be powerful, succinct and clear. The entire project was completed in less than 30 days and distributed as planned; it is still being used year-long in marketing efforts, updated occasionally as new personnel arrive and practice areas change.
Printed brochures: Yes, there are still situations when printed brochures are still needed! As compared to a website, printed pieces are typically held, reviewed and referenced over time. They also are perceived to be more credible, since a web page can literally change at any moment but a brochure needs to be correct and stand the test of time. Many of our clients that do speeches use “one-sheet” or tri-fold brochures …
For those clients who exhibit at trade shows and conferences, it is still standard practice to …
Pitch Decks: A pitch deck can be very effective in a sales presentation or showcasing a product/service – when prepared properly . Yes, design is important – and we excel at it – but we also provided critical marketing strategy and sales guidance. Depending on its purpose, you can use it to get a meeting with potential investors, showcase a product, or in the case of an agency, pitch services and solutions to a potential client.
In a recent engagement, a mid-size firm had a tremendous opportunity to pitch a major prospective client. We worked with an exceptional photographer to produce photos of the partners and engagement personnel, then compiled team highlights relevant to the engagement. The prospect wanted to know how equipped the firm was to handle their specific matters, so we assembled critical achievements/milestones, then clearly explained practice area expertise. Several different alternative fee arrangements were also presented, and entire pitch deck was very well received.
asked us to replace their existing site. Their major concerns:
- Poor navigation. It was confusing and difficult to use. Users who are browsing such sites will typically give up soon and go to a competitor’s site.
- Content was below-par. It frankly made the firm look small with a lack of depth in service descriptions and professional profiles. It also was inconsistent, making the firm look unprofessional.
- The graphic design was outdated and lacked uniformity. Sections of the website had been developed over time, so eventually the pages looked like a Frankenstein design in terms of graphics, photos and layout. Font sizes, line spacing, inconsistent formatting and other issues made it difficult to read.
After getting to know the client and their capabilities, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting developed an entirely new website. From beginning to end, the project was finished within 90 days (compared to 6-12 month time frames proposed by other website vendors). Some of the highlights of our work included:
- Changing the navigation to a more fluid and easily functioning design. It is now easy to find information on the site.
- Beefing up product/service profiles, company information, and other content to reflect the client’s actual capabilities (the result made employees now feel proud of their site vs. being embarrassed with its previous state).
- Integrating the client’s branding into the site (many websites are not consistent with other branding efforts).
- Adding awards, photos and other images that made the client look much better and reflected its high level of expertise.
- Improving ease-of-contact functions, so that users can contact the client with ease and clarity.
- Building in organic search engine optimization, so that the website’s rankings would improve and it could be more easily found with a variety of search terms.
- Updating the site’s mobile functionality.
- Integrating their website with social media and various e-communication tools, such as e-blasts and newsletters.
Does this sound like your firm’s situation? If your firm needs to upgrade its website, or develop an entirely new website, contact the experts at Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting.