Service Profile of the Month

Is your firm planning for advertising costs in 2020? Advertising can be one of the most expensive marketing techniques, so it is important to not just have effectively-designed and written ads but also a sound strategy and an effectively-executed campaign.
Crucially, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting helps you with all key aspects of your advertising campaign — advertising strategy, placement negotiations, concept development, branding and positioning, copywriting and ad design. What does all of this mean to your firm?
If you’ve spent part of your precious budget on an ad agency in the past, you might have been disappointed with the results. Were the ads “pretty” from a graphics standpoint but lacked substance in the content? Did you have to educate the agency on your services and clients’ needs? Instead, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting brings a business perspective (which is lacking in most advertising agencies) to the process of developing advertising programs — we are not interested in designing dazzling advertisements that fail to bring results.
How Do We Help You?
Some key aspects of our advertising campaign management services:
- Strategy: The objective of “strategic advertising” is to maximize your resources in advertising commitments, both in hard dollars and personnel hours. By adopting a standard, or “benchmark,” we help you to quickly review numerous advertising proposals and choose only those which meet your goals.
- Publication/channel selection: There are thousands of options in advertising, including online (banners, search engine marketing, social media, etc.), print publications, along with podcasts, radio and TV. If you listen to ad executives, each sounds fabulous! We help you to sort through these “advertising channels” and select those that meet your goals.
- Placement negotiations: Our experience in working with publications/channels is an important element in negotiating rates, frequency and placement.
- Branding and positioning: We define a client’s unique attributes, assess their target markets, and develop branding and positioning strategies. These are critical to the long-term success of your ad campaign.
- Concept development: When it comes to advertising, “concept” is often something that is neglected — but it is a key element. Based on our strategy, branding and positioning consulting, we develop ad concepts to maximize each advertising opportunity.
- Copywriting: Clear and succinct communication is an art. Our copywriting is aimed at effectively communicating your firm’s selling points, addressing key benefits, and helping buyers/prospects to relate and feel a connection to your firm.
- Ad design: Our decades of experience in serving professional services firms (i.e., understanding their services and clients’ needs) is exactly what you need to create an advertisement that is graphically compelling to your audience.
- Metrics and campaign analysis: Depending on the advertising channel, we can help to implement different techniques to measure the results of your campaign (e.g., organic search traffic, referral traffic, direct inquiries, proposal opportunities, and new clients obtained).
Need Assistance?
With over 25 years of experience serving hundreds of firms, Kevin Brown Marketing & Consulting has the expertise that your firm needs. Click here to learn more about our advertising campaign management services. Contact us to discuss your needs and for an estimate.