
About Kevin Brown

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So far Kevin Brown has created 104 blog entries.

Article: “Your Firm’s Marketing Department – Inside, Outside or Both?”

As you plan for the success of your marketing efforts, the selection of qualified personnel is obviously critical. A marketing department for a small to mid-sized firm can take many shapes. Here are some options: In-House Personnel Some firms can afford to hire an in-house marketing person(s). There are numerous variants of this form, some [...]

By |2021-05-11T01:40:39+00:00May 8th, 2021|News|0 Comments

“Marketing Strategies” – Maximizing Digital Marketing Techniques during COVID-19

Our latest issue of “Marketing Strategies” has just been published. Topic: "Maximizing Digital Marketing Techniques during COVID-19" Excerpt: In this issue, we apply key principles of Integrated Internet Marketing to websites, SEO/SEM, social media and e-communication.  Those businesses who are the fastest and most flexible in adapting to digital marketing trends will have an advantage [...]

By |2021-03-16T04:04:22+00:00March 22nd, 2021|News|Comments Off on “Marketing Strategies” – Maximizing Digital Marketing Techniques during COVID-19

Cutting-Edge Techniques for
The New Era of Digital Marketing

Part III: Maximizing Digital Marketing Techniques during COVID-19   by Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A. {Note: This is the 3rd article in a 3-part series} In the last issue of this three-part article on "Cutting-Edge Techniques for The New Era of Digital Marketing,” we focused on focus is on two critical strategic issues: establishing results-driven goals, and [...]

By |2021-05-10T22:12:16+00:00March 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cutting-Edge Techniques for
The New Era of Digital Marketing

“Marketing Strategies” – Profit-Driven Goals and Exceptional Branding for Digital Marketing

Our latest issue of “Marketing Strategies” has just been published.  Excerpt: Topic: "Profit-Driven Goals and Exceptional Branding for Digital Marketing" Excerpt: Branding is essential for effective marketing in all applications, including digital marketing. Your branding helps to position and package your business in a manner that makes it distinctive in the marketplace. Many firms face [...]

By |2021-03-16T03:46:06+00:00March 3rd, 2021|News|Comments Off on “Marketing Strategies” – Profit-Driven Goals and Exceptional Branding for Digital Marketing

“Marketing Strategies” – The critical role of “Integrated Internet Marketing”

Our latest issue of “Marketing Strategies” has just been published.  Excerpt: A major impact of the COVID-19 crisis has been the undeniable importance of digital marketing for businesses of all sizes. More than ever, your clients are relying on online methods to receive information and make buying decisions. What can you do to adapt? Read [...]

By |2021-02-26T04:02:09+00:00February 26th, 2021|News|Comments Off on “Marketing Strategies” – The critical role of “Integrated Internet Marketing”

Cutting-Edge Techniques for
The New Era of Digital Marketing

Part II: Profit-Driven Goals and Exceptional Branding   by Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A. {Note: This is the 2nd article in a 3-part series} In the last issue of this three-part article on "Cutting-Edge Techniques for The New Era of Digital Marketing,” we delved into the critical role of "Integrated Internet Marketing."  This is a better [...]

By |2021-03-16T03:50:34+00:00February 24th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cutting-Edge Techniques for
The New Era of Digital Marketing

Cutting-Edge Techniques for
The New Era of Digital Marketing

Part I: The critical role of "Integrated Internet Marketing"   by Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A. A major impact of the COVID-19 crisis has been the undeniable importance of digital marketing for businesses of all sizes. More than ever, your clients are relying on online methods to receive information and make buying decisions. What can you [...]

By |2021-02-26T04:03:57+00:00February 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cutting-Edge Techniques for
The New Era of Digital Marketing

Strategic Marketing Planning: What you need to know for 2021

Our latest issue of “Marketing Strategies” has just been published.  Excerpt: When the economy is roaring, it can seem that planning is easy. But when times are tough and uncertain, it is far more important to plan for contingencies, budgeting and obtainable results! Here are five tips to help get your firm on the right [...]

By |2021-02-26T03:47:13+00:00December 3rd, 2020|News|Comments Off on Strategic Marketing Planning: What you need to know for 2021

Strategic Marketing Planning:

What you need to know for 2021   "Uncertainty" has been a keyword for 2020 - yet how certain is 2021? Marketing planning has likely never been needed more for your firm than it is now! When the economy is roaring, it can seem that planning is easy. But when times are tough and uncertain, [...]

By |2020-12-16T20:57:57+00:00December 2nd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Strategic Marketing Planning:
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